Kolejny milowy krok z pracach nad C&C Remastered na ukończeniu. Jim Vessella (EA Producer) niespełna godzinę temu udostępnił bardzo miły dla oka nowy zrzut ekranu wraz z garścią pysznych nowinek. Wystarczy powiedzieć, że rozgrywka GDI dobija do finalnej wersji Alpha.
Fellow Command & Conquer fans,
We’re nearing the completion of our second production milestone, and significant progress has been made over the past several weeks. The entire GDI Campaign is getting close to Alpha quality, including the ability to play through the campaign in succession with all the proper transitions. Items like the European Mission Map are currently getting remastered in 4k, which is giving the campaign a truly rich high definition experience. With the topic of campaign progression in mind, we wanted to share a preview of a new screen we’re introducing into the remasters – the Mission Selection screen.
The Mission Selection screen is a quality-of-life feature we wanted to add to the remasters, allowing players to more easily track their campaign progression and access all the remastered mission content. The screen serves as a hub for the progress you’ve made across both campaigns, highlighting which missions you’ve completed and the ones you still have yet to tackle. This is especially valuable for missions with alternate paths, such as GDI Mission 4 where there are three possible map variants. The screen will enable players to replay missions at ease, compared to the legacy titles which required players to remember manually saving their game during each mission. When campaign mission entries are selected, the screen will reinforce the world map progression, showcase the mission briefing, and provide an opportunity to watch the cinematics. In addition to campaign missions, the screen will also provide quick access to any expansion missions, and perhaps a few bonus missions players may be familiar with 🙂
In terms of cosmetic design, the visual style is inspired by the classic Main Menu from the Gold edition, and shares similar elements as our remastered Sidebar. As with all the remastered content, our goal is to maintain an authentic approach to the menus, while of course enhancing them to take full advantage of higher resolution displays. You can expect this style to permeate throughout all the menu screens in Tiberian Dawn.
We’re eager to hear your feedback on both the functionality and cosmetic design of this screen, and thanks for your ongoing support and participation.
Jim Vessella

Depeche Mode i Command & Conquer, te dwie marki znaczą dla mnie więcej niż tylko słowa. Muzycznie, Prezes fan klubu Depeche Mode „PIMPF”, dj, organizator, eventów muzycznych; gamingowo członek redakcji serwisu 'Strefa Command & Conquer’ oraz 'Imperium Westwood’.