Ukazała się kolejna wersja 0.27.6 modu C&C Generals World War II . Już na pierwszy rzut oka widać ogrom pracy jaki w ta aktualizację włożyli autorzy modu, gdyż ilość wprowadzonych zmian i usprawnień jest oszałamiająca. Mod dostępny jest do pobrania/aktualizacji poprzez narzędzie Gen Launcher jak również jako samodzielna instalacja.
Minor update 12.09.22
– add new Map „Oil Rampage” (adopted and reskinned from ZH) for 2 players
– add new Map „Bliss” (fixed Twilight Flame & adopted and reskinned from zH) for 8 players
– remove large number of trees and optimising in Defense map
– remove large number of trees and optimising in Hostile Dawn map
– remove large number of trees and optimising in Ice River map
– remove large number of trees and optimising in Snow Tournament map
– update lights, and add more sources in Zugstadt map
– remove Infinite Justice from map list (this map lags and cannot be fixed)
– fix ShellMapMDFury
– fix ShellMapMDVictoryDay
– fix ShellMapMDProhorovka
– fixes in lang file rus|eng
– add french lang file for GenLauncher downloading options
– add „Detonate Now” command in jap inf kamikadze commandset
– fix „Guard Close” commandbutton image
– fix buttons in AT guns commandsets and add „Guard Close” command
– fix rus rifleman commandset (add airguard after weapon upgrade)
– fix bayonet attack in all riflemans commandsets with upgrades
– fix hummel commandset
– fix KV2 commandset
– try to fix daimler mkII self shooting
– try to fix german sdkfz7flak self shooting
– added a new effect of the destruction of buildings of players through a gradual fall down (similar to civilian buildings)
– increate HP to bunkers (500->800)
– add new KWK30 scatter radius and shell explodes effects/sounds/shells
– add new 12mm x4 Flak Browning effects/sounds/shells
– add new 20mm x4 Flak effects/sounds/shells
– add new 37mm Flak ZSU-37 effects/sounds/shells
– divided weapons for all anti-aircraft guns into air defense and ground (for effects and different firing radius). All anti-aircraft guns have both types of weapons and switch them automatically, depending on the target.
– Fix SU122 LongRangeDecalObject radius
– add new weapone for all first tier self-propelled artillery: now they have different rate of fire, damage, sounds and effects, but the same range of fire and DPM:
* su76 – 76mm – flatter trajectory, smaller caliber, shoots more often – 1 shot in 6sec, damage 76, 10 shots per minute (760dpm)
* Bishop – 88mm – high trajectory, smaller caliber, fires more often – 1 shot per 7sec, damage 90, 8.57 rounds per minute (771dpm)
* Priest (HMC M7) – 105mm – high trajectory, smaller caliber, fires more often – 1 shot per 9sec, damage 115, 6.66 rounds per minute (766dpm)
* sIG 33 (Bison) – 150mm – VERY high projectile trajectory (howitzer, slow projectile), more damage (like kv-2), lower rate of fire (like kv-2) – 1 shot per 12sec, damage 150, 5 shots per minute (750dpm)
* HoRo – 150mm – VERY high projectile trajectory (howitzer, slow projectile), more damage (like kv-2), lower rate of fire (like kv-2) – 1 shot per 12sec, damage 150, 5 rounds per minute (750dpm) )
– add new weapone for all third tier self-propelled artillery: now they have different rate of fire, damage, sounds, effects range of fire, DPM & сhanged the main type of shooting from single to salvo:
* SU122 – 122mm – 4 shells in clip, shorter range, the ability to fire chemical weapons after the upgrade, the ability to fire single cumulative projectiles at half the range (against vehicles, less dispersion)
* KingKong (M12) – 155mm- 5 shells in clip, long range
* Hummel – 150mm – 6 shells in clip, the ability to fire chemical weapons after the upgrade
– add new effects/sounds/shells for KV-2
– add new effects/sounds/shells for ISU-152
– add new effects/shells for SturmTiger
– increased scatter radius for bm13 shells 65->100 (due to this, the area of target destruction is increased)
– reduced scatter radius for riflemans and increased firepower at 30%
– add miss shell explodes for infantry weapons
– Add difference for SMGs in all nations: now they have different sounds, effects, damage, AttackRange, ScatterRadius, WeaponSpeed, DelayBetweenShots, ClipSize. New weapons:
* Thompson,
* PPsH,
* Mp38/40/41,
* Stg44,
* M1Garand
– add new bayonet attack weapon for all riflemans
– update bazookas & panzerschreck weapon (reduced reloading 15->7, small increased rate of fire)
– update bazookas & panzerschreck prise (450 -> 400)
– increased the amount of bazookas & panzerschreck released at a time (1 -> 2).
– reduced the amount of infantry with SMG released at a time (3 -> 2).
– infantry with SMG no longer requires rank 2 to build (except Japan), only a war factory is needed.
– add new Smoke Grenades Ability for vihicles. Timer 2 min. The ability allows you to hide armored vehicles from the enemy’s field of vision for a few seconds (does not give stealth!), preventing him from attacking them (useful for microcontrol). List of vehicles:
* Daimler MkII
* Crusader
* Matilda MkII
* Churchill
* Cromwell
* M4 (British)
* M4 FireFly (British)
* M3Grant/M3Lee
* Stuart
* Chaffie
* M26
* PzKpfw I
* PzKpfw III
* PzKpfw IV
* PzKpfw IV (H)
* PzKpfw V (Panther)
* PzKpfw VI (Tiger I)
* PzKpfw VI Auf B (KonigTiger / Tiger II)
– add 2 transport slots in su76
– reduced HP for BT7 and BA6
– fix stealth settings for vehicles: vehicles can no longer be invisible while moving, except for BA6, SU76 and Archer
– anti-aircraft self-propelled guns no longer need fuel to operate
– the amount of fuel required for all aircraft has been increased by 1. New fuel consumption pattern:
* Fighters – 3 units
* Attack aircraft – 3 units
* Bombers – 4 units
– disable MaxSimultaneousOfType for all types of aircraft
– disable MaxSimultaneousOfType for all factories and airfields
– disable MaxSimultaneousOfType for lend-lease
– fixed officers machine gun (it accidentally hit them), replaced with default SMG
– add new effects/sounds/shells for a weapon shot from the turret of the german technical center
– add new effects/sounds/shells for a weapon shot from the heavy defence artillery turrets of germany and ussr
– fixed muzzle elevation for Bishop, Bison, Hummel, HoRo, M7, M12, Su76 and SU122
– fixed muzzle elevation for KV-2 and SturmTiger
– fixed missing SturmTiger radius decal
– Added hotkey for selling buildings [&L]
– Added hotkey to buy an upgrade for additional storage [&B]
– update experience level for get rank. Current required experience levels: Rank 1 – 0 Rank 2 – 300 Rank 3 – 1200 Rank 4 – 2700 Rank 5 – 5000
– Major code refactoring to improve its stability and performance
– fix git storage
– Another minor fixes

Depeche Mode i Command & Conquer, te dwie marki znaczą dla mnie więcej niż tylko słowa. Muzycznie, Prezes fan klubu Depeche Mode „PIMPF”, dj, organizator, eventów muzycznych; gamingowo członek redakcji serwisu 'Strefa Command & Conquer’ oraz 'Imperium Westwood’.